Results for 'S. A. David'

955 found
  1.  39
    Filmguide to "The General"Filmguide to "La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc"Filmguide to "The Rules of the Game"Filmguide to "The Grapes of Wrath"Filmguide to "Henry V"Filmguide to "Psycho"Filmguide to "The Battle of Algiers"Filmguide to "2001: A Space Odyssey".S. A. Selby, E. Rubinstein, David Bordwell, Gerald Mast, Warren French, Harry M. Geduld, James Naremore, Joan Mellen & Carolyn Geduld - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 9 (2):123.
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    Can Fractional Calculus be Applied to Relativity?S. A. David & J. A. Rabi - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (2):165-176.
    Interest has been recently devoted to historical and philosophical aspects about fractional calculus and its adoption as additional mathematical tool in different physics areas as well as in other scientific applications. However, potential application of FC towards relativity is still lacking. In relativity theory, Lorentz transformation of time and position coordinates plays a major role while the corresponding outcomes still defy our ‘common sense’. As some problems in physics can be solved by following different mathematical routes leading to the same (...)
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    Synchrony between sensory and cognitive networks is associated with subclinical variation in autistic traits.Jacob S. Young, David V. Smith, Christopher G. Coutlee & Scott A. Huettel - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  4.  54
    Germ-Line Therapy to Cure Mitochondrial Disease: Protocol and Ethics of In Vitro Ovum Nuclear Transplantation.Donald S. Rubenstein, David C. Thomasma, Eric A. Schon & Michael J. Zinaman - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):316.
    The combination of genuine ethical concerns and fear of learning to use germ-line therapy for human disease must now be confronted. Until now, no established techniques were available to perform this treatment on a human. Through an integration of several fields of science and medicine, we have developed a nine step protocol at the germ-line level for the curative treatment of a genetic disease. Our purpose in this paper is to provide the first method to apply germ-line therapy to treat (...)
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    Enabling the Voices of Marginalized Groups of People in Theoretical Business Ethics Research.Kristian Alm & David S. A. Guttormsen - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):303-320.
    The paper addresses an understudied but highly relevant group of people within corporate organizations and society in general—the marginalized—as well as their narration, and criticism, of personal lived experiences of marginalization in business. They are conventionally perceived to lack traditional forms of power such as public influence, formal authority, education, money, and political positions; however, they still possess the resources to impact their situations, their circumstances, and the structures that determine their situations. Business ethics researchers seldom consider marginalized people’s voices (...)
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  6.  24
    The effects of influence conditions and discrepancy upon authoritarian conformity.Mirza S. Saiyadain & David A. Summers - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):357-358.
  7.  19
    Mother–infant cultural group selection.James S. Chisholm, David A. Coall & Leslie Atkinson - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    A preliminary investigation into the source of odor-cue production.Melanie S. Weaver, David A. Whiteside, Walter C. Janzen, Scott A. Moore & Stephen F. Davis - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (5):284-286.
  9.  32
    Increased Alpha-Band Power during the Retention of Shapes and Shape-Location Associations in Visual Short-Term Memory.Jeffrey S. Johnson, David W. Sutterer, Daniel J. Acheson, Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock & Bradley R. Postle - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Listening with a dual brain: Hemispheric asymmetry in sustained attention.Joel S. Warm, David O. Richter, Ronald L. Sprague, Phillip K. Porter & Donald A. Schumsky - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (4):229-232.
  11.  26
    The Roads and Highways of Ancient Israel.Richard S. Hess & David A. Dorsey - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (4):617.
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    Dennett's Dilemma.William S. Robinson & A. David Kline - 1979 - Journal of Critical Analysis 8 (1):1-4.
  13.  20
    Mixed Neuropathologies, Neural Motor Resilience and Target Discovery for Therapies of Late-Life Motor Impairment.Aron S. Buchman & David A. Bennett - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    By age 85, most adults manifest some degree of motor impairment. However, in most individuals a specific etiology for motor decline and treatment to modify its inexorable progression cannot be identified. Recent clinical-pathologic studies provide evidence that mixed-brain pathologies are commonly associated with late-life motor impairment. Yet, while nearly all older adults show some degree of accumulation of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias pathologies, the extent to which these pathologies contribute to motor decline varies widely from person to person. Slower (...)
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    Current versus future, not genes versus parenting.James S. Chisholm & David A. Coall - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):597-598.
    Gangestad & Simpson's model of the evolution of within-sex differences in reproductive strategies requires a degree of female choice that probably did not exist because of male coercion. We argue as well that the tradeoff between current and future reproduction accounts for more of the within-sex differences in reproductive strategies than the “good-genes-good parenting” tradeoff they propose.
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  15. On What’s Fishy About Civic Engagement.A. David Kline - 2005 - Teaching Ethics 6 (1):29-36.
  16. A unified framework for addiction: Vulnerabilities in the decision process.A. David Redish, Steve Jensen & Adam Johnson - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):415-437.
    The understanding of decision-making systems has come together in recent years to form a unified theory of decision-making in the mammalian brain as arising from multiple, interacting systems (a planning system, a habit system, and a situation-recognition system). This unified decision-making system has multiple potential access points through which it can be driven to make maladaptive choices, particularly choices that entail seeking of certain drugs or behaviors. We identify 10 key vulnerabilities in the system: (1) moving away from homeostasis, (2) (...)
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  17.  36
    Muslim superheroes : comics, Islam, and representation.A. David Lewis & Lund Martin (eds.) - 2017 - Ilex Foundation.
    The roster of Muslim superheroes in the comic book medium has grown over the years, as has the complexity of their depictions. Muslim Superheroes tracks the initial absence, reluctant inclusion, tokenistic employment, and then nuanced scripting of Islamic protagonists in the American superhero comic book market and beyond. This scholarly anthology investigates the ways in which Muslim superhero characters fulfill, counter, or complicate Western stereotypes and navigate popular audience expectations globally, under the looming threat of Islamophobia. The contributors consider assumptions (...)
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  18.  25
    Human Sensory LTP Predicts Memory Performance and Is Modulated by the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism.Meg J. Spriggs, Chris S. Thompson, David Moreau, Nicolas A. McNair, C. Carolyn Wu, Yvette N. Lamb, Nicole S. McKay, Rohan O. C. King, Ushtana Antia, Andrew N. Shelling, Jeff P. Hamm, Timothy J. Teyler, Bruce R. Russell, Karen E. Waldie & Ian J. Kirk - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  19.  95
    (2 other versions)How the laws of physics don't even fib.A. David Kline & Carl A. Matheson - 1986 - Psa 1986:33--41.
    The most recent challenge to the covering-law model of explanation (N. Cartwright, How the laws of Physics Lie) charges that the fundamental explanatory laws are not true. In fact explanation and truth are alleged to pull in different directions. We hold that this gets its force from confusing issues about the truth of the laws in the explanation and the precision with which those laws can yield an exact description of the event to be explained. In defending this we look (...)
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  20.  27
    Safety and tolerability of theta burst stimulation vs. single and paired pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation: a comparative study of 165 pediatric subjects.Yaejee H. Hong, Steve W. Wu, Ernest V. Pedapati, Paul S. Horn, David A. Huddleston, Cameron S. Laue & Donald L. Gilbert - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21.  20
    Understanding the relationship between rationality and intelligence: a latent-variable approach.Alexander P. Burgoyne, Cody A. Mashburn, Jason S. Tsukahara, David Z. Hambrick & Randall W. Engle - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (1):1-42.
    A hallmark of intelligent behavior is rationality – the disposition and ability to think analytically to make decisions that maximize expected utility or follow the laws of probability. However, the question remains as to whether rationality and intelligence are empirically distinct, as does the question of what cognitive mechanisms underlie individual differences in rationality. In a sample of 331 participants, we assessed the relationship between rationality and intelligence. There was a common ability underpinning performance on some, but not all, rationality (...)
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  22.  75
    Psychologism and instructional technology.Bekir S. Gur & David A. Wiley - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (3):307-331.
    Little of the work in critical and hermeneutical psychology has been linked to instructional technology. This article provides a discussion in order to fill the gap in this direction. The article presents a brief genealogy of American IT in relation to the influence of psychology. It also provides a critical and hermeneutical framework for psychology. It then discusses some problems of psychologism focusing on positivism, metaphysics, cultural ecology, and power. The narrow psychologism in IT produces a kind of systematic blindness (...)
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  23.  59
    A single session of exercise increases connectivity in sensorimotor-related brain networks: a resting-state fMRI study in young healthy adults.Ahmad S. Rajab, David E. Crane, Laura E. Middleton, Andrew D. Robertson, Michelle Hampson & Bradley J. MacIntosh - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  24.  21
    Fit to Perform: A Profile of Higher Education Music Students’ Physical Fitness.Liliana S. Araújo, David Wasley, Emma Redding, Louise Atkins, Rosie Perkins, Jane Ginsborg & Aaron Williamon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. Husserl and externalism.A. David Smith - 2008 - Synthese 160 (3):313-333.
    It is argued that Husserl was an “externalist” in at least one sense. For it is argued that Husserl held that genuinely perceptual experiences—that is to say, experiences that are of some real object in the world—differ intrinsically, essentially and as a kind from any hallucinatory experiences. There is, therefore, no neutral “content” that such perceptual experiences share with hallucinations, differing from them only over whether some additional non-psychological condition holds or not. In short, it is argued that Husserl was (...)
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  26.  21
    The effect of pain and the anticipation of pain on temporal perception: A role for attention and arousal.Ruth S. Ogden, David Moore, Leanne Redfern & Francis McGlone - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):910-922.
  27.  79
    We should allow dissection of animals.A. David Kline - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (2):190-197.
    The focus of the paper is the ethical issues associated with the practice of dissecting animals in lower level college biology classes. Several arguments against dissection are explored. Furthermore, the issue is examined from the point of view of the instructor's academic freedom and the point of view of a student's moral autonomy. It is argued that even though the arguments against dissection fail, it is very important to respect the moral autonomy of students who oppose the practice. Often this (...)
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  28.  29
    The latent structure of spatial skill: A test of the 2 × 2 typology.Kelly S. Mix, David Z. Hambrick, V. Rani Satyam, Alexander P. Burgoyne & Susan C. Levine - 2018 - Cognition 180:268-278.
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  29.  63
    Quasiregularity and Its Discontents: The Legacy of the Past Tense Debate.Mark S. Seidenberg & David C. Plaut - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (6):1190-1228.
    Rumelhart and McClelland's chapter about learning the past tense created a degree of controversy extraordinary even in the adversarial culture of modern science. It also stimulated a vast amount of research that advanced the understanding of the past tense, inflectional morphology in English and other languages, the nature of linguistic representations, relations between language and other phenomena such as reading and object recognition, the properties of artificial neural networks, and other topics. We examine the impact of the Rumelhart and McClelland (...)
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  30.  36
    Evaluation of screening for a cancer: annotated catechism of the Gold Standard creed.Olli S. Miettinen, David F. Yankelevitz & Claudia I. Henschke - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (2):145-150.
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    Should Firms Go “Beyond Profits”? Milton Friedman versus Broad CSR1.Mark S. Schwartz & David Saiia - 2012 - Business and Society Review 117 (1):1-31.
    ABSTRACTWhen attempting to articulate the nature and scope of corporate social responsibility , a variety of opinions emerge. The primary CSR issue appears to be: Should firms go “beyond profits”? In order to address this normative question, this article will explore the theoretical underpinnings of CSR and its practical application. Part one of the paper begins by discussing common CSR definitions. Part two outlines the CSR debate in terms of the “narrow view” of CSR versus the “broad view” . Part (...)
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  32.  41
    Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan (review).S. A. Lloyd - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (3):397-398.
    S. A. Lloyd - Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.3 397-398 Book Review Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan David van Mill. Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan. Albany: The State University of New York Press, 2001. Pp. xii + 253. Cloth, $59.50. Paper, $19.95. David van Mill's provocative book is an ambitious and thoughtful argument by an author well-versed in (...)
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    Depressive symptoms and use of perspective taking within a communicative context.Elizabeth S. Nilsen & David Duong - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (2):335-344.
    Our language system is ambiguous in that the same utterance can be interpreted in different ways depending on the intention of the speaker. For example, the phrase, “Nice job!” can be interpreted a...
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    Empathic Neural Responses Predict Group Allegiance.Don A. Vaughn, Ricky R. Savjani, Mark S. Cohen & David M. Eagleman - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:372403.
    Watching another person in pain activates brain areas involved in the sensation of our own pain. Importantly, this neural mirroring is not constant; rather, it is modulated by our beliefs about their intentions, circumstances, and group allegiances. We investigated if the neural empathic response is modulated by minimally-differentiating information (e.g., a simple text label indicating another’s religious belief), and if neural activity changes predict ingroups and outgroups across independent paradigms. We found that the empathic response was larger when participants viewed (...)
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  35.  51
    Insights from a National Conference: “Conflicts of Interest in the Practice of Medicine”.Aaron S. Kesselheim & David Orentlicher - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):436-440.
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    What's the meaning of "this"?: a puzzle about demonstrative belief.David F. Austin - 1990 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In recent literature in the philosophy of mind and language, one finds a variety of examples that raise serious problems for the traditional analysis of belief as a two-term relation between a believer and a proposition. My main purpose in this essay is to provide a critical test case for any theory of the propositional attitudes, and to demonstrate that this case really does present an unsolved puzzle. Chapter I defines the traditional, propositional analysis of belief, and then introduces a (...)
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  37. Working memory, executive function, and general fluid intelligence are not the same.Richard P. Heitz, Thomas S. Redick, David Z. Hambrick, Michael J. Kane, Andrew R. A. Conway & Randall W. Engle - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):135-136.
    Blair equates the constructs of working memory (WM), executive function, and general fluid intelligence (gF). We argue that there is good reason not to equate these constructs. We view WM and gF as separable but highly related, and suggest that the mechanism behind the relationship is controlled attention – an ability that is dependent on normal functioning of the prefrontal cortex. (Published Online April 5 2006).
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    Do case‐generic measures of queue performance for bypass surgery accurately reflect the waiting‐list experiences of those most urgent?Jason Burstein, Douglas S. Lee & David A. Alter - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (1):87-93.
  39. Hegelian phenomenology and robotics.Donald S. Borrett, David Shih, Michael Tomko, Sarah Borrett & Hon C. Kwan - 2011 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 3 (01):219-235.
    A formalism is developed that treats a robot as a subject that can interpret its own experience rather than an object that is interpreted within our experience. A regulative definition of a meaningful experience in robots is proposed in which the present sensible experience is considered meaningful to the agent, as the subject of the experience, if it can be related to the agent's temporal horizons. This definition is validated by demonstrating that such an experience in evolutionary autonomous agents is (...)
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    Correlation, partial correlation, and causation.Frederick S. Ellett & David P. Ericson - 1986 - Synthese 67 (2):157-173.
    Philosophers and scientists have maintained that causation, correlation, and partial correlation are essentially related. These views give rise to various rules of causal inference. This essay considers the claims of several philosophers and social scientists for causal systems with dichotomous variables. In section 2 important commonalities and differences are explicated among four major conceptions of correlation. In section 3 it is argued that whether correlation can serve as a measure of A's causal influence on B depends upon the conception of (...)
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  41.  17
    From Ricoeur to Action: The Socio-Political Significance of Ricoeur’s Thinking.Todd S. Mei & David Lewin (eds.) - 2012 - Continuum.
    From Ricoeur to Action engages with the thinking of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) in order to propose innovative responses to 21st-century problems actively contributing to global conflict. Ricoeur's ability to draw from a diverse field of philosophers and theologians and to provide mediation to seemingly irreconcilable views often has both explicit and implicit practical application to socio-political questions. Here an international team of leading Ricoeur scholars develop critical yet productive responses through the development of Ricoeur's thought with respect (...)
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  42.  21
    Kierkegaard's Instant: On Beginnings.David J. Kangas - 2007 - Indiana University Press.
    In Kierkegaard’s Instant, David J. Kangas reads Kierkegaard to reveal his radical thinking about temporality. For Kierkegaard, the instant of becoming, in which everything changes in the blink of an eye, eludes recollection and anticipation. It constitutes a beginning always already at work. As Kangas shows, Kierkegaard’s retrieval of the sudden quality of temporality allows him to stage a deep critique of the idealist projects of Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. By linking Kierkegaard’s thought to the tradition of Meister Eckhart, (...)
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  43. Berkeley's Divine Language Argument.A. David Kline - 1986 - In Ernest Sosa, Essays on the Philosophy of George Berkeley. D. Reidel.
  44.  29
    Moving Morality Beyond the In-Group: Liberals and Conservatives Show Differences on Group-Framed Moral Foundations and These Differences Mediate the Relationships to Perceived Bias and Threat.Brandon D. Stewart & David S. M. Morris - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Moral foundations research suggests that liberals care about moral values related to individual rights such as harm and fairness, while conservatives care about those foundations in addition to caring more about group rights such as loyalty, authority, and purity. However, the question remains about how conservatives and liberals differ in relation to group-level moral principles. We used two versions of the moral foundations questionnaire with the target group being either abstract or specific ingroups or outgroups. Across three studies, we observed (...)
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  45.  78
    Berkeley’s Theory of Common Sense.A. David Kline - 1987 - International Studies in Philosophy 19 (3):21-31.
  46. (1 other version)Kant's Ethical Theory. A Commentary on the Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.David Ross - 1954 - Philosophy 30 (115):377-378.
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    Causal Laws and Laws of Association.Frederick S. Ellett & David P. Ericson - 1985 - Noûs 19 (4):537 - 549.
    In her paper entitled "Causal Laws and Effective Strategies" (1979), Cartwright sets out to establish the connection between laws of association and causal laws. In part Cartwright is trying to show the sense in which a cause increases the probability of its effect, and to explain what causal laws assert by giving an account of how causal laws are related to certain kinds of statistical laws. In section II we explicate the essential features of Cartwright's for- mulation and in section (...)
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  48.  25
    Reaching a consensus on management practices and vaccine development targets for mitigation of infectious diarrhoea among deployed US military forces.Mark S. Riddle & David R. Tribble - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):266-274.
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    Pindar, a Poet of Eternal Ideas.D. S. Robertson & David M. Robinson - 1938 - American Journal of Philology 59 (1):119.
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    Planning Following Stroke: A Relational Complexity Approach Using the Tower of London.Glenda Andrews, Graeme S. Halford, Mark Chappell, Annick Maujean & David H. K. Shum - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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